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【09.01.21】 I have a dream-西城男孩

发表于 2009-1-21 13:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' W% L$ U6 Y- {. P, Z0 y& l( M, d
2 v, H/ _7 {! Y
i have a dream,a song to sing1 [% i7 Y) l+ }/ g, p2 e  @8 g
to help me cope with anything0 C* c$ m6 D; u! ]: k* X
if you see the wonder of a fairy tale
( g7 B8 e4 m& B$ e$ Hyou can take the future even if you fail/ J! K" `) r8 I$ w5 a3 z
i believe in angels
7 r7 c* l0 \( B" w& f2 C, asomething good in everything i see$ }& m1 ~" k7 U# j
i believe in angels: G, o1 Q$ d- D1 g" M2 G
when i know the time is right for me* {, c" x0 y! A7 K/ Z3 }# s
i'll cross the stream i have a dream
; ^' l$ q. {5 X5 D' J. m
3 Y/ ]9 S- Z1 Ti have a dream,a fantasy
. w, b- q% b: T2 n( Y4 |/ t5 b2 Lto help me through reality
/ B# `( m9 ^/ ]6 Q: q1 \; \and my destination makes it worth the while; F" ^% U6 V) h2 O
pushing through the darkness still another mile) B9 u  W* d& p+ T3 U, G. p
i believe in angels2 ]5 a+ l& X. D9 I4 U5 e3 I
something good in everything i see
! `. _% U4 [$ a4 `i believe in angels3 g4 S& x: f; k/ Q3 J
when i know the time is right for me
8 t. ?2 ?& o' v% n8 k/ xi'll cross the stream i have a dream
" b4 g+ G/ p: i( E6 n. b% d% r9 v' Q) d* D' |
i have a dream, a song to sing1 \) Z; h$ c) g, j) m( b7 Y2 g
to help me cope with anything# l1 o$ I3 A0 G3 M2 K) g3 S
if you see the wonder of a fairy tale
5 \4 g; i" S+ r+ eyou can take the future even if you fail6 b1 G5 _4 R2 n0 B+ i
i believe in angels
2 u' w; C! o7 q. `& z) `* D$ A3 bsomething good in everything i see
: X* p& b7 L  i4 y- ~i believe in angels! e6 ~% P. v% z6 W7 ?& Z/ W
when i know the time is right for me
/ {3 _) X3 U4 i; h6 f, A; o. Pi'll cross the stream i have a dream
4 b: {; p) X( s( x7 P7 vi'll cross the stream i have a dream
发表于 2009-1-21 14:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-1-22 20:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-1-22 23:03 | 显示全部楼层
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